Become A Sponsor Of This Event!

The ICNJ Annual Golf Outing is held in September each year. This event is a great way to network with the ICNJ membership in an informal setting on the course. Sponsorship provides an array of ways to get your company’s name in front of the attendees as well as opportunities to participate by golfing or having a table top exhibit on the course. You can register to attend the lunch and/or cocktail reception/dinner following the golf play in conjunction with your sponsorship.

Whether you are interested in having a sign on a hole or are looking for a prime sponsorship such as a golf cart, lunch or dinner sponsor, all will provide your company with increased visibility and opportunity to grow  your clientele.

Sponsorship Options


    • Opportunity to distribute corporate information and promotional items
    • One six-foot table with cloth cover and drape will be provided (no electric power)
    • Two registrations for event


    • Complete above and fax to (609) 393-0017.  Phone credit card information to (609) 393-0025.


    • Make check payable to the Insurance Council of New Jersey and return with this form to: 15 W. Front Street, 2nd Floor, Trenton, New Jersey, (609) 393-0025, Fax: (609) 393-0017.